ICS of California on Larry on the Law KABC
March 10, 2012 – ICS of California is proud to announce that our licensed private investigators will be sitting as guest speakers on KABC’s Larry on the Law radio program. Larry Elder, host of Larry on the Law, has been providing listeners with legal advice for nearly two decades. Private investigators have always worked hand in hand with lawyers on a wide variety of cases, and now listeners have the chance to benefit from the combined expertise of Larry Elder and ICS of California’s owners, Mark Woodward and Nestor Gomez.
Larry on the Law with ICS of California will air on 790 KABC AM on Saturday, March 10th, from 10:00am (pst)-12:00 noon (pst). Be sure to tune in for this rare opportunity to get free legal advice from Larry Elder and the experienced private investigators at ICS of California.
To read more about ICS of California on Larry on the Law, or to listen to the broadcast live online, visit Larry on the Law’s website at
www.larryonthelaw.com.ICS of California
Mark Woodward and Nestor Gomez
300 S. Harbor Blvd., Ste. 804 Anaheim, CA 92805
Website: www.icsofcalifornia.com
Phone: (714) 533-3232
Email: mark.woodward@icsofca.com
Email: nestor.gomez@icsofca.com