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Signs of a Cheating Wife or Husband

Date : 01/15/2008

Signs of Infidelity: While there are a number of signs that can cause a husband or wife to suspect that his or her spouse is cheating, many of the confirmed cases have resulted from a husband or wife moving forward on a hunch or gut feeling. When two people are immersed in each other's lives, they begin to develop an intuitive connection. As a result, one of the first signs of infidelity occurs when a person has an unsettling suspicion.

Increased Grooming/Wardrobe Standards-
  • A cheating husband may begin to enhance their appearance in some way. Look for new wardrobe purchases, better grooming, increased workouts, and personal hygiene. These are good signs that they are trying to attract someone’s attention.
Lack of Communication or Additional Details -
  • Have you noticed a lessening in communication? Has your wife “mumbled” more or have they begun to give short or stunted answers to your questions? Have they mentioned new people, places, or things and then refused to give additional information?
How Your Spouse Relates to You -
  • Has your husband tried relating to you differently then normal? Saying things like “I thought you liked (whatever)” and you have no idea where they could get an incorrect idea like that from. Is your husband arguing more?
Daily Behavior -
  • Pay close attention to any changes in your husband’s daily routine. Such as increased travel time to and from work, new activities, etc.
Changes in Phone Behavior –
  • Is your cheating wife ending phone calls abruptly when you enter earshot? When she takes phone calls has she recently started going into other rooms in order to “get better reception?”
The Workplace –
  • Has your husband suddenly started to work overtime on specific days without trying to obtain a new promotion or pay for an increase in bills? If so, why? Has his travel time to and from work increased?
Computer Usage –
  • Has your wife had an increase in her computer usage while you’re away? Has she avoided using it when you’re around?
Financial Changes -
  • It is possible that a husband or wife may be providing gifts and other such nuances in an affair. If you have seen unexpected charges or purchases in your accounts you should ask yourself why? Look for an acquisition of a credit card that you may not know about or look for shopping bags in the trash from stores that you don’t normally shop at.
Increased Travel Time -
  • Husbands that are involved in an affair will often have an increase in errands to run, either for work or for the family. These errands often take more time than expected such as “Yeah I went out to get that, but I thought we could use this as well, so I stopped by (this location) too.” Check your odometer readings against the distances you think the errands should require.
A New Personality -
  • Have you noticed a change in your wife’s personality? Grumpier, friendlier, distant, sullen, etc. (If you’re going through an emotionally rough time such as in a divorce, these may be common characteristics anyway, focus on new behavior)
Sexual Behaviors -
  • Often a sign of a cheating husband or cheating wife will be a change in the frequency with which they have intercourse with you. Most often it is a decrease in frequency but sometimes the opposite is true and there will be an increase in sexual activity with you. If you are truly concerned about the possibility of your spouse cheating on you, you should take steps to protect yourself against the possibility of sexually transmitted diseases.
Behavior Around the Opposite Sex -
  • Studies indicate that people most often enter into extramarital relationships with people they already know and are around on a regular basis.

Signs of a Cheating Spouse: Many people want to know the answers to that fateful question: “Is my spouse cheating on me?” Where we could break this question down into: Tell Tale Signs of a Cheating Spouse: but they all seem to add up to one thing… changes in your spouse’s typical behavior.

Changes in habit are a sure sign of a difference in motivations. If one’s spouse has never worked late in the last 10 years and all of a sudden has begun working late every Tuesday and Thursday, you have to ask yourself what is the possible change in motivation. Has there been an increase in expenses? Is he seeking a promotion? Is your spouse worried about losing his position?

Changes in cheating spouse's behavior, especially if they are unjustified, are good ways to know how to tell if your spouse is cheating on you. How do you know when your spouse is cheating on you? Certainly there are ways to discover things. Like that spoken of in the song “Lipstick on Your Collar,” what it boils down to is proof!

Signs of a Cheating Spouse:

Many people want to know the answers to that fateful question: “Is my spouse cheating on me?” Where we could break this question down into: Tell Tale Signs of a Cheating Spouse: but they all seem to add up to one thing… changes in your spouse’s typical behavior.

Changes in habit are a sure sign of a difference in motivations. If one’s spouse has never worked late in the last 10 years and all of a sudden has begun working late every Tuesday and Thursday, you have to ask yourself what is the possible change in motivation. Has there been an increase in expenses? Is he seeking a promotion? Is your spouse worried about losing his position?

Changes in cheating spouse's behavior, especially if they are unjustified, are good ways to know how to tell if your spouse is cheating on you. How do you know when your spouse is cheating on you? Certainly there are ways to discover things. Like that spoken of in the song “Lipstick on Your Collar,” what it boils down to is proof!

Important information before you begin your adultery investigation:

If you believe that your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend or partner is cheating, having an affair, or otherwise engaged, then you must give us all of the relevant information regarding the case. If we do not have a complete story with which to work, then we will not be able to perform our duties as well as we could.  We pride ourselves in our ability to get the results that are clients are after; but this does not include creating evidence supporting infidelity and cheating that does not exist. We cannot find out about cheating or extramarital affairs if there is none that is taking place, despite your feelings to the contrary.

Accordingly, we cannot "guarantee" that your spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend is guilty.
We do, however guarantee excellent service and real results

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