Stolen or Lost Cat Investigation
If your rare, exotic, purebred, or prized cat has been stolen or has gotten lost, then an investigation into its disappearance may be necessary.
Cats are very independent animals, and sometimes their behavior can be a bit unpredictable. As territorial animals, they may bolt at the first sign of a perceived intrusion into their territory, such as another cat, a new baby, a dog, or something else entirely. They may wander off and find a new building or a new family to call home. Cats, particularly pure breeds, may also be stolen for a variety of reasons. Though not as common as dogs and other exotic pets, cats may be targeted. If your cat has gone missing for a period of time longer than what is normal for him or her, you should call ICS immediately. Our investigators are very experienced and knowledgeable about the behavioral patterns of cats, and we know what it takes to track them down and return them to their home. Do not waste any precious time, call us immediately!
Lost Cat Investigation Information:
- ICS Investigations Include the following
- Feline behavioral profiling to determine likely destinations for cats that run off on their own, in case there was no actual theft
- Gathering and analyzing evidence from the scene where the animals was last known to be
- If necessary, DNA testing for any blood or fur found at the scene
- Tactics for rescuing and recovering the cat safely and reuniting you with them as quickly and efficiently as possible
- Investigation into the local and regional underground exotic and purebred cat black market, local known illegal medical and chemical testing facilities, animal shelters, etc.
- Use of high tech surveillance and detection equipment
- Related ICS Services
- Computer Forensic Services
- Undercover Investigations
- Physical Evidence and Forensics Services
- Criminal Investigation Services
- Investigations to Find People
- Comprehensive Information Resources
- Reputation Defense
- Personal Investigations
ICS Experience and Expertise:
- Operating since 1967
- Far greater operational reach than any other investigative service in the world
- Built through experience and expertise with a mix of law enforcement and military backgrounds
- All services are performed and billed on an hourly basis.
- Investigators are available 24/7.
ICS Network:
- Global resources network for domestic and international work
- Constantly evolving technical capabilities to adapt to advances in electronics and technology
- Use of cutting edge technology and equipment
- Free Consultation for Needs Analysis
- Design an Action Plan
- Engagement and Fees
- Execute Action Plan
- Present Thorough Documentation of All Results/Findings
Are You in Need?
Losing your favorite cat can be traumatic for you and your family. Everyone knows that cats are independent thinkers, and outdoor cats tend to wander off from time to time, but they always return home. If your cat has been gone much longer than usual, you may need the help of an investigator to track him or her down. Although cat theft is not nearly as common as many other types of pets, it is still an issue in America. You owe it to your family and to your pet to investigate its disappearance using any means necessary. Call ICS today and let us start working on finding your pet and getting him or her home to you!