Cyber Sabotage Investigations come in many forms, ranging from libelous social networking posts to hacking and leaking of corporate consumer information, credit card numbers, or industry and trade secrets.
Cyber sabotage has increased dramatically as more and more companies turn to the web and social media for marketing, banking, and internal operations. The more data and information that exists on the network, the more risk there is in it being stolen or misappropriated. If you fear that cyber sabotage has compromised corporate secrets or caused financial data to be leaked, or if your reputation is being damaged by bloggers, reckless social media posts, or other internet-based reporting, then ICS can help with a Cyber Sabotage Investigation. We have access to expert computer forensics investigators who can not only figure out where the information is leaking, but where it is going, who is taking it, and how they are using it. We can trace libelous content to its source. Our Cyber Sabotage investigators will work quickly and discreetly to trace the source of the Cyber sabotage without alerting them that anyone is looking into them.
Cyber Sabotage Investigation Information:
- Cyber Sabotage can exist in many forms
- Distracting or misleading the public or authorities about someone’s true identity, either to harm their reputation or to hide a criminal
- “Hacktivists” using illegally obtained information from computers, networks, and intranets for political, social, or activist causes
- Stopping, delaying, or shutting down machines run by computers, such as nuclear power plants, mass transit and traffic control devices, and more by cyber terrorists
- Bombarding a website with data until it is overwhelmed and incapable of completing basic and essential functions
- Stealing credit cards numbers and identity theft
- Hacking cell phones and tablets, which are used more and more for secured financial and business transactions
- Resulting damage from Cyber Sabotage
- Substantial financial loss
- Substantial harm to reputation of a business or individual
- Related ICS Services
- Technical Surveillance Countermeasures
- Computer Forensic Services
- Undercover Investigations
- Employee and Pre-Employment Screening Programs
- Counterintelligence Services
- Investigations to Find People
- Polygraph and Lie Detection Services
- Public Records and Comprehensive Information Research
- Supplier and Vendor Screening
- Reputation Defense
- Signal Piracy Auditing
ICS Experience and Expertise:
- Operating since 1967
- Far greater operational reach than any other investigative service in the world
- Built through experience and expertise with a mix of law enforcement and military backgrounds
- All services are performed and billed on an hourly basis.
- Investigators are available 24/7.
ICS Network:
- Global resources network for domestic and international work
- Constantly evolving technical capabilities to adapt to advances in electronics and technology
- Use of cutting edge technology and equipment
- Free Consultation for Needs Analysis
- Design an Action Plan
- Engagement and Fees
- Execute Action Plan
- Present Thorough Documentation of All Results/Findings
Are You at Risk?
If you conduct any sort of business online, if your company uses an internal network, or if you are a public figure whose reputation is crucial to your success, you may be a victim of Cyber Sabotage. With the internet and computers being tied in so tightly to our daily lives, we are all at risk of cyber sabotage. If you have reason to believe you are a victim, call ICS immediately for a free consultation for a Cyber Sabotage Investigation. We will find out who is sabotaging you without alerting them, and we will put measures into place that will protect you from any future attacks.