Spousal Maintenance and Alimony are financial payments made to a former spouse after a divorce is finalized, and the amounts are set and enforced by the court in which the divorce proceedings occurred.
As living situations change, so might the required amount for spousal maintenance and alimony. If your former spouse loses his or her job or changes jobs, he or she may start making more or less money, changing the amount that he or she is required to pay. Sometimes, spouses will refuse to pay anything despite a court order, or an ex-spouse may think he or she is entitled to far more than what was ordered. Under any of these circumstances, an investigation into the situation may be necessary. ICS has investigators in its network who are trained and experienced to find all of the information required for a modification by the courts. Call us today for a free consultation.
Spousal Maintenance or Alimony Modification Information:
- Spousal maintenance and alimony are determined on a case-by-case basis, and they are strictly up to the discretion of the ruling judge, who will decide based on the following information
- Need of a party for spousal maintenance
- Ability of a party to pay spousal maintenance
- Sufficient length of marriage to establish “entitlement” to receive support
- Decisions are based on the following factors:
- Length of the marriage
- Standard of living during the marriage
- Income of both parties
- Living expenses of both parties
- Age of both parties
- Property apportioned to each spouse in the divorce
- Education and employability of the spouse seeking maintenance
- Any disability status affecting employability
- The contributions of each party to the marital estate
- How can ICS help
- If you believe your case was not decided fairly, or you know there has been a significant change in the living situation of your former spouse, ICS can investigate and find the truth
- Video and covert surveillance
- Skip tracing
- Public records search
- Changes that might affect the court order
- Party receiving support moving in with a new partner or getting remarried
- Either party changing jobs
- Either party making significant change to living situation (i.e. moving to a new city where financial needs would change)
- Related ICS Services
- Undercover Investigations
- Investigations to Find People
- Process Service
- Public Records Research
- Comprehensive Information Resources
- Private Investigations (International)
- Private Investigations (United States)
- Adultery, Unfaithful, Infidelity, and Cheating Detection
ICS Experience and Expertise:
- Operating since 1967
- Far greater operational reach than any other investigative service in the world
- Built through experience and expertise with a mix of law enforcement and military backgrounds
- All services are performed and billed on an hourly basis.
- Investigators are available 24/7.
ICS Network:
- Global resources network for domestic and international work
- Constantly evolving technical capabilities to adapt to advances in electronics and technology
- Use of cutting edge technology and equipment
- Free Consultation for Needs Analysis
- Design an Action Plan
- Engagement and Fees
- Execute Action Plan
- Present Thorough Documentation of All Results/Findings
Are you in need?
In the unfortunate event that you have to get a divorce, you may have certain responsibilities or be entitled to certain benefits during the split. Spousal Maintenance and Alimony or court ordered payments to be made to a former spouse in need of financial assistance. But living situations may change significantly after the court orders payments made, and they may be too much or too little, depending on those changes. If you need an investigator to make a strong case as to why you need or deserve more, or why you are being forced to pay too much, then call ICS today. Our expert investigators will do the leg work to get you objective evidence that supports your case, and it will be admissible in court.